Saturday, April 5, 2008


home. i love our home.

this morning we unpackaged these.

because we can't wait for the arrival of these.


Anonymous said...

Are those recent ultrasound pictures, or are they from a couple weeks ago? You know me: I want all the stats (positions, weights, blood flow, etc.) all the time! :)

danica said...

Look at those carseats!!!

Liz said...

bri, those ultrasound pictures are from when i was 29 weeks. at that time they were estimating each baby as being 3lbs 9oz. baby A was on my right side breach. baby B was on top transverse. as for blood flow, you lost me there. :) my next ultrasound hasn't been scheduled yet, but i have the first stress test on monday followed by a regular visit with my doc.

Anonymous said...

I love your home too! It is beautiful. Sorry we couldn't make it last night. Gabe has this take home exam due tomorrow and all he wants to do is play with Asher when he's awake. So you can only imagine how little he's actually gotten done! Not good. I think I have been a bad influence as well!

I can't believe you could potentially have just 3 weeks left. Hasn't it gone fast. With Lauren Cruikshank having had her baby, you're the only one left before it's my turn. Please.... take your time. I am not ready!

Love the ultrasound pictures! And that you have a blog now. Way to join the cool club now!

Anonymous said...

Okay, sorry my comments will always say Gabriel for now. I've got to get that changed!, but you know it's me and not Gabe leaving you girly comments like "Oh I love your home too. It's beautiful"!!