Monday, October 20, 2008


things you've wanted to know but never dared ask...

question #1:  liz, what do you do when you're at walmart in the middle of grocery shopping with your boys and suddenly you REALLY have to go to the bathroom?      

answer #1:  hmm... good question.  glad you never asked.  the answer is, you don't.  you finish shopping, check out, load the vehicle, drive home, unload the vehicle, put away the groceries that need to be cold, wash hands, take the boys out of their carseats, feed them, burp them, put them on the ground to play, and THEN you go to the bathroom.  and in extreme cases you do all of the above and add in prayer.  a lot of prayer.     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This made me laugh so hard!

You don't even want to know how many times I've actually and sincerely prayed, "Please, Lord, don't let this turn into a UTI," as I put off going to the bathroom for HOURS because of the kids!

Oh my. The things no one ever tells you about, huh?!?!?! :)